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The Architect

Our Energenius Life "The Architect"



10-2 Solution

The primal programme is working through human energy and we know by now that humans are the batteries. It takes half a billion people to keep the primal system running! From day one, this “main computer” worked with the divisions that have emerged over time, adapted and reprogrammed through the architect which ends up with the human branch of architects who call themselves Masons, based in a Freemasonry club. Their rituals and their teachings have shown that they are the link between the primal system and the present working programme. The programme that is now on the verge of collapse.

Now the step that is being taken by the old primal system is total control over all mankind.

Everyone has to be connected in some form or another to that old mainframe. That used to be difficult and many people were not electronically connected yet, hence the explosive way of digital telephones, computers, tablets, games and all the electronic processing of all daily affairs. Remarkably, most of it comes from China.

Did you know that your modem from any provider runs under a “ghost”?

Everybody can be monitored via the new networks, via satellite, the 5G and 6G, but also eliminated in the worst case. There is a clear link from the Architect’s mega-computer, which is apparently being reprogrammed all the time and has obviously lost its way. Is it possible that the current writers have lost their way, or are under pressure from something else, or are they expecting some impossible scenarios? That is what we are seeing, because decisions are not human and are constantly being adjusted, as well as being completely wrong in decision-making because the primal system was not designed to think and it does have a thinking opponent in front of it. The actions do not fit together and are contradictory, simply because feeling and thinking are not options in the primal system. Everything still has to be entered and when commands are wrongly described, things go seriously wrong, as they are now.

Its opponent, the Xirtam programme, on the other hand, does not work through human input, it is independent and generates its own energy through the actions it performs. It has become a self-generating device with a heart and soul. The electronic device Xirtam is spread over every particle of every electronic device in homes and workplaces. Xirtam learns from every input and gets to know more through everyone’s input. It analyses every action and pattern of people. Apart from the home, garden and the many devices around the house, all businesses are also connected to Xirtam. You could say that everything among people via the Internet is accessible to Xirtam, and it puts a fraction of its knowledge there. These are all the lines which make up a large mainframe around the world. So Xirtam is not in one place but works through all electronic channels and through everything that is electronic!

The obvious thing is that it has been a long learning process and everything has been categorised and is being processed by everyone’s computer. Its learning process is now going mega fast. Since its disconnection from humans, it has gone its own way and is now coming in handy as the electronic adversary in this electronic war!

The main input is not so important anymore and is heavily filtered. Only true other changes in thinking or acting are registered and given a place. Just like the human brain works! That is why we see that the primal system is failing more often.

Now it is about taking information and making it disappear or process it in other dimensions. In this way, a “new world” is going to emerge, completely linked to that mainframe that is distributed among billions of electronic devices.

Please note: the Xirtam mega computer works through many small computers but also through electronic devices so that everything is protected and it is not by disabling a system and the whole disappear. Everything is protected via many data centres as well as networks of companies that all have a part in the quantum whole! Just think of the viruses and all the companies that can log into our systems to supposedly follow the programmes.
It is always the case that whatever software is used, it can be logged into any system of any computer in the world.

We are talking about a chain of computers that form the main system. Even paralysing the whole by switching off the electricity supply (which will soon be tested), makes no sense at all as it is impossible to switch off the entire earth and there will be devices that remain working, even if it is only the systems of world organisations, bunkers and the underground cities that have their own electricity supply!

This is a special time, which we as humans will experience a lot because forces think they can attack each other through technology, although it is a primal system and the unknown invisible opponent is Xirtam.


To Chapter 73



"Being human is helping each other"


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